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Commercial Properties for sale in Oaks Egypt Tower New Capital 250m²

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

Commercial Properties for sale in Oaks Egypt Tower New Capital 250m² Empty Commercial Properties for sale in Oaks Egypt Tower New Capital 250m²

مُساهمة من طرف خالد نجم الأربعاء 21 سبتمبر - 7:15:42

Oaks Egypt Tower

The various units announced in Oaks Tower in the new capital
A unique opportunity for anyone who wants to live or invest in Oaks Egypt Tower that enjoys boundless sophistication and luxury, as it is specially built for people with high taste, everything that exists gives you calm and relaxation and keeps you away from the burdens of life.

The real estate developer has taken into account that Oaks mall includes a large group of commercial units of different sizes to suit all needs with all activities that can exist. The unit is delivered semi-finished due to the difference in the unit’s finishing according to the activity provided. You can also contract to finish your entire unit with payment of the difference during the contract while providing Received it at full speed and of the highest quality.

The commercial unit space ranges from 32 square meters in Oaks Egypt Tower.
The residential units in Oaks Egypt Tower are characterized by luxury designed in a wonderful engineering style, surrounded by trees, flowers, and dazzling artificial lakes that are unparalleled, which made your unit the only one of its kind in the New Administrative Capital, and the interior finishes of the units have a special luster, with different international decorations to match all tastes, with There is air conditioning in all residential units, and each unit has its own garage, and the hotel units are delivered with Ultra Super Lux finishes and are equipped with mattresses and air conditioners within Oaks Tower new capital.

The space of the hotel units starts from 60 square meters in Oaks Tower.

Residential and commercial unit prices
The prices were very compatible with all that Margins Real Estate offers in Oaks Egypt of various basic and integrated services, and the prices offered are absolutely unparalleled compared to other projects established in the same area and do not offer the same level, and the price per square meter of Oaks Egypt Administrative Capital units starts from 29 thousand Egyptian pounds.

An amount of 20 thousand Egyptian pounds is paid to reserve hotel units within Oaks Egypt Tower new capital.
An amount of 50 thousand Egyptian pounds is paid to reserve the commercial units.
As for the pharmacy reservation, 100,000 Egyptian pounds will be paid in Oaks Tower.
Installment systems offered by Margins Real Estate
Margins Real Estate Development and Investment's interest in providing all means of comfort and recreation to the client was evident in the service and entertainment facilities it provided, and for more interest, it provided very distinctive payment systems over long periods of time up to 12 years, to reduce the financial burdens on customers, in addition to the prices that made The position of the project is remarkable among its neighbors in Oaks Egypt.

The customer can pay 5% of the value of the unit price, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in installments over 6 years inside Oaks new capital.
You can also pay 10% of the total unit price, and install the rest over 7 years.
Also, the customer can pay 15% of the total unit price, and pay the rest of the price in installments over 10 years in Oaks.

خالد نجم
عضو نشيط
عضو  نشيط

احترام القوانين : 100 %
عدد المساهمات : 2206
تاريخ الميلاد : 06/02/1992
العمر : 32

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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