ملتقى الجزائريين والعرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

1st year lessons UNIT 05 PART 03

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م1 1st year lessons UNIT 05 PART 03

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الثلاثاء 24 مارس - 15:34:05

2- If/when you don’t wash yourself, you smell bad. (c)
3- If/when air gets hot, it rises. (a)
4- If/when you leave milk in the sun, it goes bad. (e)
5- If/when metal gets hot, it expands. (d)
6- If/when you pour water on fire, it goes out. (g)
7- If/when a car runs out of petrol, it stops. (f)
       Note: If in the sentences above can be replaced by when.
1.       Read the Reminder on page 141 and get the rule for other forms of the conditional:
Reminder [Conditional type 1]
-"IF" introduces a real possibility which can happen in the future.
-If (verb in present simple), (verb in future simple)
Reminder [Conditional type 2]
 -"IF" introduces an unreal condition in the present which may not happen at all.
 -If (verb in past simple), (would + infinitive)
(p 141)
2.      Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form:

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a. If we stop traffic pollution, the air will be cleaner.
b. If I were you, I would not use that soap. It contains many pollutants.
c. If we continue to pollute our water sources, we will die of thirst.
d. What would happen if Martians landed on earth?
e. What will we do if we fail the exam this time?
3.       Tell the class what you would do for the environment if you were prime Minister / if you had power. Use the cues below:
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Key:     If I were Prime Minister,
a. I would/’d ban CFCs.
b. I’d limit toxic wastes.
c. I’d impose higher taxes.
                          If I had power,
                                                                  d. I’d restrict traffic in towns.
e. I’d restore monuments.
f. I’d preserve plants and animal species.
(p 142)
4.      Read the reminder and do the exercises below:
Reminder [Formation of adjective]

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Verb + (-ive / -ing / -able / -ible / -ful / -less)
A.    Use the adjectives derived from the words in bold type to rewrite the sentences below:
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a. Paper is a recyclable material.
b. Co2 emissions are very toxic.
c. Oil spills are harmful to the oceans and seas.
d. Ecoclean isn’t harmful to the environment.
e. Noise is aggressive to the ears.
f. The greenhouse effect is dangerous to the earth.
g. Desertification is an ecological problem.
h. This food is tasteless. It is not edible/eatable.
Note: There is a difference in meaning between edible and eatable.
B.   Look at the signs and write warnings using adjectives derived from the following words:
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1- Beware! This product is flammable/inflammable.
2- This is a poisonous product. Keep it out of children’s reach.
3- Keep off! Radioactive emissions!
4- Never throw away this product! It’s recyclable.
(p 143)
5.      Study the reminder and then do the exercise below:
Reminder [Quantifiers / adjectives of quantity (uncountable nouns)]
    -We use "there is" to say that a big quantity of matter/something exists.
     -We use quantifiers (none of, a little of, some of, most of, all of) to describe this quantity of  
Rewrite the paragraph below by replacing each of the underlined expressions with its corresponding quantifier from the reminder above:

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(100% of it = all of it) – (97% of it = most of it) - (30% = some of it) – (3% = a little of it) –
(No water = none (of it))
6.     Study the reminder then do the exercise below:
Reminder [Quantifiers / adjectives of quantity (countable nouns)]
    -We use "there are" to say that a total number of people/things exist
     -We use quantifiers (all of, most of, half of, some of, a few of, none of) to describe the number
       of these people or things.
Rewrite the paragraph below by replacing each of the underlined expressions with its corresponding quantity word from the reminder above:

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(40 of them = half of them) – (the other 40 = the other half) – (60 of them = most of them) – (about 10 = a few of them) – (12 of them = some of them) – (no demonstrator = none of them)
Sequence Four:  Consolidation and Extension.
By the end of the sequence, pupils should be able to:
-read and respond to a letter of complaint;
-write a letter of complaint;
-read and respond to a memo;
-write a memo.
Write it Out: (p 144 - 145)
1. Read the text below and answer these questions:
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a. They are called ‘fossil fuels’.
b. If we run out of the existing energy sources, there will be no fuel for our cars, buses, air planes, and no electricity for our computers and factories.
c. Consequences of pollution mentioned in the text:
    - The environment is threatened.
    - Man’s existence on earth is in danger (contamination of water sources).
d. We can solve the problem of energy shortage by using renewable energy such as the sun, the wind, the earth and the sea.
e. The W.E.C. has identified six renewable energy sources.
1st year lessons UNIT 05  PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image0092. Match each of the renewable energies in column A with its corresponding source in column B:
1. Solar energy comes from the sun rays.  (c)
2. Wind energy is derived from moving air.  (a)
3. Geothermal energy is produced by heat inside the earth. (b)
4. Modern biomass energy is extracted from plant and animal residue. (f)
5. Ocean energy is generated by seawater movement and temperature changes.  (e)
6. Small hydroelectric energy comes from small dams, such as those filled by melting snow.  (d)
3. A problem to solve:

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a. The types of energy which can be produced in the different areas of our country are:
      Solar:  Algerian Sahara
      Wind:  Algerian coastal area; Djurdjura; Aures; Ouarsenis...
      Ocean: Algerian coastal area
      Biomass: El-Harrach; Oran; Mitidja; Medjana; El-Houdna; Medea...
      Geothermal: North-eastern area: Collo; Jijel; Skikda... 
      Hydroelectric: Kabylia; Khenchela; Batna; Chlef...
b. The most viable energy source for Algeria is solar energy because of its cleanness and the availability of sun rays in the Sahara almost all the  year round.   
c- Refer to the memo on page 148 for guiding your learners as to the layout of memorandums.
Work it Out: (p 146 - 147)
1. Read the text below and answer these questions:

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a. Three solutions suggested to solve the problem of rubbish are: to reduce, to re-use and to recycle it.
b. I would buy drinks in glass bottles because I can/could wash them and re-use them many times over.
c. Re-using things reduces rubbish, and recycling others not only reduces litter but also allows us to make new products. They can add other items to the list.
2. Have you really understood the text? If so, observe the contents of the dustbin below and classify them into three categories using the table below:
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3. Now separate the recyclables according to the material they are made of:
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Any other
4. Making the best use of the information from the text, find two advantages for making an effort to recycle rubbish and complete the resolution below:
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I’m not a litter lout and I consider that it’s worth making the effort of recycling my rubbish because this allows us to reduce the amount of trash in the environment and that we can get new products from it.
5. Now consider the reusables. How are you going to help reuse them? Choose alternatives from the checklist and justify any decision you will take:
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        I will give them to charities, like the Algerian Red Crescent, in order to help the needy.
6. Now suppose you were a friend of the Earth. What solutions would you suggest to solve the problem of waste products? Write a short paragraph starting like this:

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If I were a member of The Friends of the Earth, I would organise a cleaning campaign in my town. I would write a petition to the Prime Minister to ask him to ban products with heavy packaging....
Work it Out: (p 148)
1st year lessons UNIT 05  PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image0171. Read the memo below and replace each of the underlined words with one of the following quantifiers: all, half, most, none, some, a few:
100% of the personnel = all         30% = some       90% = most       50% = half          00% = none
2. Match each of the parts (1-4) of the memo with its purpose (a-d):
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1- Opening (B)             2- Problem (A)       3- Suggested solution (D)             4- Closing (C)   
3. Now, pretend you are an environment inspector. Write a memo/letter of complaint to inform the authorities about the dangers resulting from pollution in your area:

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(p 149)
1. Guess how "ch" is pronounced in each of the words in the box. Fill in the table as appropriate:
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You see "ch"
You say / /
You say / k /
2. Now, listen to your teacher read the words in the table above. Then check your answer to exercise 1 and make sure you pronounce "ch" correctly:

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 3. Copy the table and put a tick in the appropriate box to make opposites:

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4. Now listen to your teacher read the words and check your answers to exercise 3:
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5. Rewrite the opposites using phonetic scripts and put stress where appropriate in each word:
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 It should be clear to pupils that prefixes are never stressed (accented).
6. Check with your teacher and practise pronouncing the opposites. Then say what conclusion you can draw about their pronunciation:
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           Prefixes are usually not stressed.  So,  the  stress  pattern  remains  the same  in  all  the  transcribed  words  of  task  3.  The  learners  will  simply  add the  transcriptions  of    the    prefixes  to  the  transcribed  adjectives  in  the  table.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

م1 رد: 1st year lessons UNIT 05 PART 03

مُساهمة من طرف اعصار الثلاثاء 24 مارس - 15:50:37

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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