ملتقى الجزائريين والعرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

1st ear lessons UNIT 03 PART 02

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م1 1st ear lessons UNIT 03 PART 02

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الثلاثاء 24 مارس - 15:02:00

1.      Quote the people below using direct then reported speech. Make any necessary changes:
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Direct speech:
A. Katie Courie says, ‘kindness is not an inherited trait; it is learned behaviour’.
B. Peter Carlson says, ‘I feel good when I help people’.
C. Lynda Johnson says, ‘small gestures can make people happy’.
Reported speech:
A. Katie Courie says that Kindness is not an inherited trait; it is learned behaviour.
B. Peter Carlson says that he feels good when he helps people.
C: Lynda Johnson says that small gestures can make people happy.
(P 78)
1.      Choose the words that best summarise the situation in each of the dialogues below. Use the verbs in the box:
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Situation 1: The policeman requested/told/ordered the motorist to fasten his seat belt. The motorist apologised and fastened it right away.
Situation 2: Karim invited Doris; Doris thanked him and accepted the invitation.
Situation 3: Meriem suggested to Aicha to revise their lessons, and Aicha agreed.
Situation 4: Mother warned her child not to do that again another time. Otherwise he wouldn’t have his pocket money. The child apologised and promised not to repeat the mistake.
2.      Now read the poem below and paraphrase it using the verb order to / not to:
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The author (Michael Rosen) says that parents order their children to speak up, to sit up,  to say please and to make less noise; they also order them to take their hands off, to shut the door behind them, to say thank you, to stop kidding and to take their elbows off the table.
The author says that parents order their children not to talk with their mouth full, not to stare, not to point, not to pick their nose, not to interrupt and not to drag their feet.
(P 79)
1.     Read the texts below and guess where they are taken from. Justify your choice:
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The texts are taken from the advice column (b) of a newspaper or a magazine. The writer of the question asks for some advice, and Dr Carla provides it for him/her.
2.     Read paragraphs 1-4 above again and match them with purposes A-D below:

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                      (1 – B) -  (2 – D) – (3 – C) – (4 – A)
3.      Imagine how Meriem would answer if a friend of hers (Bashir) asked her what the psychologist advised / told her to do / not to do.
Use information from §4 to act out a dialogue. Imagine Bashir’s questions:
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Key:                                     (Suggested dialogue)
Bachir: Tell me Meriem, what did the psychologist tell you?
Meriem: S/he advised me to start thinking positively about my exams.
Bachir: Is that all?
Meriem: No, s/he also told me not to take exams only for scores.
Bachir: What did s/he advise you not to do?
Meriem: S/he advised me not to start answering the exam questions as soon as the teacher handed them to me.
4.      Now, guess what Meriem would write on her diary for the record. Then write a short paragraph about what she told the psychologist and what the latter advised her to do:

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On January 20, I wrote a letter to a newspaper advice columnist to expose my problems. I asked her to help me to score well in my exams. On the exam day I always feel anxious, and I get into a panic when I see the test sheet. The psychologist showed sympathy and told me that it was quite natural and normal to be nervous when taking exams, and that my classmates felt the same as I did. She also told me that many pupils failed their exams because they lost self-control. She gave me three main reasons for that. Firstly, they took the exam just for scores. Secondly, they aren’t positive. And thirdly, they usually adopt the wrong approach.
She advised me to start thinking positively about my exams, to keep in mind that I don’t take exams only for the scores and to look at them as an opportunity to show to myself what I can really do. She also advised me not to think I am a total failure and not to start answering the exam questions as soon as the teacher hands them to me.
(P 79)
1.     Read the texts below and guess where they are taken from. Justify your choice:
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The texts are taken from the advice column (b) of a newspaper or a magazine. The writer of the question asks for some advice, and Dr Carla provides it for him/her.
2.     Read paragraphs 1-4 above again and match them with purposes A-D below:

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(1      – B) -  (2 – D) – (3 – C) – (4 – A)
2.  Turn the pieces of advice below from direct to reported speech:
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a.       The psychologist told Meriem: “Start thinking positively about your exams.”
b.      “Don’t take exams only for scores,” the psychologist advised her.
c.       The psychologist recommended to her: “You shouldn’t think you are a total failure.”
d.      “You should adopt the right approach,” she told Meriem.
a.       The psychologist told Meriem to start thinking positively about her exams.
b.      The psychologist advised her not to take exams only for scores.
c.       The psychologist recommended to her not to think she was a total failure.
d.      She told Meriem to adopt the right approach.
3.      Now, guess what Meriem would write on her diary for the record. Then write a short paragraph about what she told the psychologist and what the latter advised her to do:

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On January 20, I wrote a letter to a newspaper advice columnist to expose my problems. I asked her to help me to score well in my exams. On the exam day I always feel anxious, and I get into a panic when I see the test sheet. The psychologist showed sympathy and told me that it was quite natural and normal to be nervous when taking exams, and that my classmates felt the same as I did. She also told me that many pupils failed their exams because they lost self-control. She gave me three main reasons for that. Firstly, they took the exam just for scores. Secondly, they aren’t positive. And thirdly, they usually adopt the wrong approach.
She advised me to start thinking positively about my exams, to keep in mind that I don’t take exams only for the scores and to look at them as an opportunity to show to myself what I can really do. She also advised me not to think I am a total failure and not to start answering the exam questions as soon as the teacher hands them to me.
By the end of the sequence, pupils should be able to:
-to transform direct speech into reported one;
-use reported speech with statements and questions;
-use adverbs of manner;
-form and pronounce adjectives ending in ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’;
(P. 80)
1. Imagine Karim has misheard what Rashid has said in dialogues 1-4 below.    
Complete the dialogue by reporting Rashid’s words:
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1- Rashid: Could you send a message to Ryan?
    Karim: Sorry. What did he say?
    You to Karim: He asked you to send a message to Ryan.
2- Rashid: Stop writing please!
    Karim: Sorry. What did he say?
    You to Karim: He ordered you to stop writing.
3- Rashid: Don’t write the message here!
    Karim: Sorry. What did he say?
    You to Karim: He told you not to write the message there.
4- Rashid: Could you please give me the pen?
    Karim: Sorry. What did he say?
    You to Karim: He asked you to give him the pen.
5- Rashid: Could you please email the message?
    You to Karim: Sorry. What did he say?
                           Karim: He asked you to email the message.
    When we report orders and requests, we generally use verbs such as: ask, tell, instruct, order, and beg
When we go from direct to indirect (reported) speech, we often change:

    1. Pronouns;
    2. Place markers:   here                     there
    3. Time markers:     

That day
The previous/last day
The next/following day
Then/ at the moment
The following
The previous
(P. 80)
1. Turn the following orders and requests into reported speech:
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a.       Rashid asked Karim: “Could you send a message to Ryan?”
b.      “Stop writing please!”Rashid begged Karim.
c.       Rashid ordered Karim;” Don’t write the message here!”
d.      “Can you please email the message for me tomorrow?” Rashid requested Karim.
e.       Rashid instructed Karim:” You should see a doctor!”
a.       Rashid asked Karim to send a message to Ryan.
b.      Rashid begged Karim to stop writing.
c.       Rashid ordered Karim not to write the message there.
d.      Rashid requested Karim to email the message for him the next day.
e.       Rashid instructed Karim to see a doctor.
    When we report orders and requests, we generally use verbs such as: ask, tell, instruct, order, and beg
When we go from direct to indirect (reported) speech, we often change:
1.      Pronouns;
2.      Place markers:   here                     there
3.      Time markers:    
That day
The previous/last day
The next/following day
Then/ at the moment
The following
The previous
(P. 81)
a. Use ‘asked’, ‘answered’, ‘said’ and ‘told’ to report the exact words in dialogues a-f below:
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                    A. Direct speech:
a- ‘Can you read and write?the reporter asked the woman.
    ‘Yes I can,’ she answered.
b- ‘Is Rashid here?Ali asked Bashir.
    ‘I’m sorry, he isn’t here,’ he answered.
c- ‘Do you want to drink tea?Karim asked Sofiane.
    ‘Yes, please. Just a little,’ he answered.
d- ‘You have to do your work,’ the teacher told the student.
    ‘I’ll do it tomorrow,’ the student said.
e- ‘Do you have to go now?Melissa asked Dyhia.
    ‘Yes, I have to. I’m so late,’ she answered.
f- ‘She may come tomorrow,’ Jamel said.
    ‘It’s great,’ said Salima.
b. Now, use the indirect speech to report what the speakers in dialogues a-f above say:
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                    B. Reported speech:
a- The reporter asked the woman if she could read and write.
    The woman said that she could.
b- Ali asked Bashir if Rashid was there.
    Bashir answered that he was not there.
c- Karim asked Sofiane if he wanted to drink tea.
    Sofiane said that he would drink just a little.
    (Karim invited Sofiane for tea; Sofiane accepted.)
d- The teacher told the student that he had to do his work.
    The student said that he would do it the day after.
e- Melissa asked Dyhia if she had to go then.
    Dyhia answered that she had to because she was so late.
f- Jamel said that she might come the day after.
                          Salima said (that) that was great.
(P. 81)
2.  Report the following statements:
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a.       The woman told the reporter: “I can read and write.”
b.      “Rashid isn’t here now,” Bashir answered Ali.
c.       The teacher says to the pupil: “you have to do your homework.”
d.      “I’ll do it tomorrow,” the pupil replies.
e.       Jamel said to Salima: “My sister may come today.”
f.       “I don’t read newspapers,” Melissa told Salima.
a.      The woman told the reporter that she could read and write.
b.      Bashir answered Ali that Rashid wasn’t there at the moment/then.
c.       The teacher says to the pupil that he has to do his homework.
d.      The pupil replies that he’ll do it the next/following day.
e.       Jamel said to Salima that his sister might come that day.
f.       Melissa told Salima that she didn’t read newspapers.
(P. 82)
3.     Add suffix “-ly” to the words in bold type in the box below (when necessary) to form adverbs of manner. Then use the adverbs to fill in the blanks in the monthly report that follows:
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                          1- hard            2- cordially              3- politely               4- quickly           5- carefully
                          6- late             7-coldly                    8- heavily
                      Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens.
                      Irregular adverbs (do not change): late, fast, hard, easy, high, last, better, best, worse.
                                                                              good       well
(P. 83)


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مُساهمة من طرف اعصار الثلاثاء 24 مارس - 15:51:24

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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