ملتقى الجزائريين والعرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م1 1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الثلاثاء 24 مارس - 14:23:27

1.     Take turns to interview each other using the questionnaire below:
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A: Hello, I’m doing a survey about students’ regular activities. Can you help me?
B: Yes, of course.
Well, my first question is what time you get up.
I get up ………………………………………...
How do you go to school?
I go to school ………………………………….

B: Can you please tell me how often you eat in the school canteen?
A: I ……………….eat in the school canteen.
B: My next question is how often you revise your lessons.
A: I revise my lessons……………………………...
B: How long do you study in the morning?
A: My last question is how long you are staying in Secondary school.
B: I am staying in Secondary school until……………………………
A: Thank you for giving me so much of your time. Bye.
B: Thanks. Goodbye.
2.     Now report to the class about your partner’s regular activities:
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Hamid generally gets up around 7:00 in the morning. He always goes to school by bus and he studies from 8.30 to 12:00 in the morning. …
3.     Listen to your teacher and learn to pronounce the degree adverbs on the chart below:
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Not at all
Not very
A bit
/kwaɪt / 
/verɪ /
4.     Draw the chart above in a vertical position. Then find sentences which have degree adverbs in Kirsi’s e-mail and copy them on your chart:
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It isn’t very big.
Which is a little bit far from my home.
Our house is rather small.
Kirsi is quite a common name in Finland
I generally get up quite early.
Summer is quite beautiful.
It is very nice.
It is very famous for its saunas and lakes.
Winter is extremely harsh.
1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image005   0%     Not at all
             Not very
             A bit
100%   Extremely
5.     Now spot the position of the degree adverb in each of the sentences in your chart. What conclusion can you draw?
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The rule is that degree adverbs occur before the adverbs or adjectives that they modify.
6.     Make dialogues about your country/town using the cues in the table below:
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Key:                                         (Sample Dialogue):
A: Tell me, which continent is your country located in?
B: It is located in Africa.
A: Which country borders it to the west?
B: Morocco. (Or Morocco borders it to the west.) / To the west, it’s bordered by Morocco.
A: What’s its average temperature in summer?
B: It’s more than 30° C.
A: What is it famous for?
B: It’s famous for its beautiful beaches, marvelous southern regions, and historical sights.
Discover the Language: 
1.     Read the e-mail again and answer the questions below:
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Ø  How often does Kirsi get up quite early?
Ø  How much famous for its saunas is Finland?
Ø  How often does Kirsi go to school by bus?
Ø  How little is Kirsi’s house small?
Ø  Kirsi generally gets up quite early.      (frequency adverb)
Ø  Finland is very famous for its saunas. (degree adverb)
Ø  She always goes to school by bus.       ( frequency adverb)
Ø  Kirsi’s house is rather small.              (degree adverb)
Keep in Mind:
a.  Generally” and “always” are frequency adverbs. They state how often something happens or someone does something. They are often used in sentences in the present simple tense, and are placed either before the verb or after the auxiliary.                                                                                                    
1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image009                                                                                                                                             generally   usually
                                                                                    Sometimes   frequently    often
              seldom     rarely
0%       10%        12%                            40%          50%        55%         60 %       70%        80%               100%
b.      very” and “rather” are degree adverbs. They reveal how much, how little or to what degree/extent something happens. They tell us about the intensity of an action, adjective or another adverb. They often come before the adjective or adverb they modify.                                                                                                    
1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image009                                                                                                                              nearly                very                           
                                                                                  quite           almost            
                   not very       a bit
                    not at all
Task: Put the words in brackets in their right place in the sentences below:
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a.       He is cheerful. (always)
b.      They arrive late at school. (a bit / usually)
c.       Kirsi is happy. (sometimes / quite)
d.      I follow instructions well. (rarely / very)
a.       He is always cheerful.
b.      They usually arrive a bit late at school.
c.       Kirsi is sometimes quite happy.
d.      I rarely follow instructions very well.
Write it Out
1st Year lessons UNIT 01 PART 03 C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image011Read Kirsi’s e-mail and write a short reply following the plan below:
Sequence Three:  Developing Skills.
By the end of this sequence, pupils should be able to:
-listen and respond to telephone messages.
-read and respond to short messages.
-write a letter of enquiry.
-express obligation.
-write short notes (invitations, apologies…).
-use link words (to, in order to, so as to…).
(P 12 - 13)
1.     What would you expect interlocutors on the phone to say in the following situations? Circle the letter of the correct answer:
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(A - b) – (B - b) – (C - c) – (D - d).
2.     Now, listen to a telephone conversation and check your answers to ex.1

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3.     Exchange your phone numbers. In case you don’t want to reveal your phone number, or you don’t have one, just invent one for the occasion:
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A: I’ve bought a mobile phone.
B: Congratulations! What’s your number then?
A: It’s 027-11-95-38.
B: Say it more slowly, I want to type it on my mobile repertory.
A: Well! It’s O/zero two seven double one nine five three eight.
4.     Use the tactics summary on page 13 to make telephone conversations. Play them out once you’re ready:

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*******Situation 1:
You: Hello, 54712200
A friend of yours: Hello, I’m Farid. Can I speak to ……., please?
You: …………speaking.
A friend of yours: Brahim and I are going out for a football match. Would you like to  
                               join us?
You: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to go to the dentist. /  Yes, I’d be very pleased.
*******Situation 2:
Company secretary: Hello, SEK Company. Can I help you?
Caller: Hello, my name’s Bob Karl. Could I speak to the manager, please?
Company secretary: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Caller: Please tell him to call me. My number is 7213599.
Company secretary: So your phone number is 7213599 and your name is Bob Karl
Caller: That’s right. Thank you. Goodbye
Company secretary: Goodbye.
*******Situation 3:
A: Hello.
B: Hello, this is Ali. Is Karim there?
A: I’m sorry, Karim’s out at the moment.
B: Please tell him I expect his call this evening at 6:30.
A: Can you remind me of your name, please?
B: Of course, it’s Ali, Ali Bachiche.
A: I see.
B: Thank you; Goodbye.
A: Bye
Situation3 INFORMAL:  Friend not in. Leave a message.
Me             : Hi, Iheb!
Iheb’s mother: Hello! I’m sorry Iheb is not in. I’m his mum. Would you like to leave him a message?
Me             :  Yes, please.  Could you tell him to call me? My phone number is 072 79 68 40.
Iheb’s mother: Ok. Bye
Me             : Thank you. Good-bye. 


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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