ملتقى الجزائريين والعرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

3rd year lessons UNIT 02+03 PART 04

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م14 3rd year lessons UNIT 02+03 PART 04

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الجمعة 27 مارس - 13:19:27

Task 3 (p.55)
These products are imitated to such a perfection (main clause) that it
is difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the fake products
(subordinate clause).
The loss in profitability is so big (main clause) that most of them have
launched advertisement campaigns against counterfeiting. (subordinate
B. Result
D. These products are perfectly imitated/ are imitated to perfection.
As consequence/Consequently/As a result,/…
The loss in profitabilty is very big. So/As a consequence…
Grammar explorer II (p.56)
A. Present simple passive. A counterfeit is something that
counterfeiters forge or imitate.
B. Present continuous passive C. Counterfeiters are copying
products of all sorts everyday.
D; The sentences from the text are in the passive. They are
impersonal whereas the others are personal (agency
Task (p.56)
Our copyright is being infringed (by many Internet users). Our
music hits are being uploaded and downloaded. These copyright thefts
are being put in pirate sites in order to swap them with other Internet
users. These pirates must be reminded that a great deal of financial
loss is being caused to us by swapping music illegally.
Grammar explorer III (p.56)
1. These consumers know well that they mustn’t buy imitations.
2. They must refrain from buying them.(obligation)
3. They have to buy them. (necessity)
A. must (obligation) and have to (necessity) B. mustn’t
C. Rich people don’t have to buy imitations.
Vocabulary explorer (p.57)
Task 1 (p.57)
Verbs: defraud, forge, imitate, deceive, steal …
Nouns: theft, fraud , forgery, imitation, counterfeiter …
Encourage students to use 5 to 6 words from the diagram in
sentences of their own.
Task 2 (p.57)
Honesty - stupidity – responsibility – cruelty – morality – hospitability
– legality
Task 3 (p.57)
Dishonest – disapprove - disagree - disapproval – illegal – immoral –
unfair – irresponsible – disappear
Task 4 (p. 57)
It is both dishonest (1) and illegal (2) to imitate products. Piracy is due
mainly to a lack of honesty (3) and morality (4). I totally disagree (5)
with those who say that counterfeiting is beneficial to consumers.
Pronunciation and spelling (p.57)
Verb Nouns Adjectives
eOnomize eOnomy
Shift of stress: verb/noun –to adjective
Stress on penultimate syllable for words ending in –ic, -ics and -ical.
Think, pair, share (p.58)
Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by
giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken
claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long.
There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly,
that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts
fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal
procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain
firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute
edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which
have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be
compensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage
caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released
by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100
million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have
sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property,
and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to
turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve
the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when
the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade
mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of
counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for
practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them
buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles.
Elicit the humour in the cartoon.
Proverbs and sayings
1. Money talks
Here ‘talks’ means carries weight, in the sense that it is influential. It
is possible to do much more with money than without.
‘Why did the members side with Mr X at the annual general meeting?
Mr Y’s arguments were much more convincing.’
‘Mr X is a rich man and Mr Y isn’t. If we’d accepted Mr Y’s
proposals, the Club would have lost the support of Mr X. Money talks,
you know.’
Equivalent of the saying : A golden key opens every door.
2. The love of money is the root of all evil.
All kinds of wickedness and tribulations spring from the desire to
become rich. The source of this saying is Timothy (in the Bible) I./10.
Note that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money
3. Everyman has his price.
All people can be corrupted in one way or another. This is a very
pessimistic point of view to hold about human nature.
4. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after
The opposite of this saying is Pennywise and pound foolish, which
means careful in small matters and foolish in large matters. The saying
recommends that we should be careful about small expenses so as to
save money and invest it in profitable ventures.
5. Money can’t buy you love.
There are things that you can’t buy with money. One of these is love.
6. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
We should be careful about money because it isn’t easy to get.
7. Business is business.
Business does not take into consideration other matters than those of
business. What matters most is profit, i.e., the amount of money you
can make out of a business deal/transaction.
Assignment one
This is a research assignment. So students have to find information
through the Internet. E.g. Punishment for tax evasion is more severe
in the U.S than in Algeria and England.
Assignment two
Have the students discuss the ethical issues in class. Elicit their own
opinions about each of them. They don’t have to agree about any of
Skills and strategies outcomes (p.61)
Have the students skim through the preview and discuss what these
skills and strategies can possibly mean.
Before listening (p.61)
1. It’s ethically wrong because he is polluting the environment. All
he is concerned with is profit.
2. Students should feel free to give their own opinions.
3. Many possible answers. These answers depend on answers to
question two above.
4. There are many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree
with each other.
5. The students don’t have to agree. The most important thing is to
encourage them to justisfy their answers.
As you listen (p.62)
Have the students skim through the text in the Coping Box to prepare
them for the listening task.
Task 1 (p.62)
A. George B. Mark C. None D. George E. None F. George
G. Mark
Task 2 (p.62)
Let the students think about the issues before giving their opinions.
Pair and group work.
After listening (p. 63)
Have the students skim through the text in the coping box and the
items in the two tables before moving to the task proper.
Say it in writing (p.64)
Ladies, gentlemen
Some people say that businessmen should apply their own personal
ethical standards when doing business. They tell us that you need
money to make money; that the world of business is a jungle; and that
if we respect ethics, we can undermine the values of hard work and
freedom. Let me tell you that I don’t agree with these arguments at all.
I believe that such arguments are only excuses to escape the
responsibility of business companies towards the welfare of society as
a whole. As far as I am concerned, I say that ethics has everything to
do with business….
Skills and strategies outcomes (p.65)
Have the students skim through the preview to get them acquainted
with the objectives of this section.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

م14 رد: 3rd year lessons UNIT 02+03 PART 04

مُساهمة من طرف wael0101 الخميس 11 يونيو - 16:47:09


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عضو  نشيط

احترام القوانين : 100 %
عدد المساهمات : 388
تاريخ الميلاد : 03/11/1986
العمر : 37
الموقع : أدرار

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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