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3rd year lessons UNIT 06 PART 07

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م14 3rd year lessons UNIT 06 PART 07

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الجمعة 27 مارس - 13:31:18

c. Food that everyone needs and buys is …
d. A person who makes a product is a …
e. A customer in a store or shop is a …
(Key: a. bestselling product , b. clockwise movement , c. basic
food, d. manufacturer, e. shopper)
III. What do the words or phrases underlined in the text and
reproduced here refer to? (2 pts)
a. (you) do §1
b. Another §2
c. (ten-foot) one §3
d. them (because) §5
(Key: a. know , b. position c. display d. shelves
IV. Find in the text words or phrases whose meaning is opposite to
the following: (2pts)
a. walk out § 1
b. ignore § 1
c. speed up § 3
d. d. slowly §3
e. (Key: a.enter, go into , b. pay attention to, c. slow down , d.
V. In the text below, add the appropriate ending to the words in
brackets so that this text makes sense. (3.5 pts)
My favourite parts of the New York Times Sunday newspaper
are the (advertise) because they exert a hind of hypnotic (fascinate). In
the gift catalogue from the Z company of New York, you can find all
(sort) of odd things. I once bought something from this catalogue. It
was a little (read) light that you can clip into your book so as not to
disturb anyone (sleep) in the same room. But it didn’t work: the light
was feeble and, apart from the first two ( line), the rest of the page was
left in (dark). I have seen more luminous insects !
(Key: 1. advertisement , 2. fascination 3. sorts, 4. reading , 5.
sleeping , 6. lines 7. darkness)
VI. Look again at the text above and do this pronunciation task.
Pick out four words ending with the /s/ sound and four other
words ending with /z/sound. Place them them in the
corresponding columns below. (2pts)
// //
1. …..
2. …..
3. ….
4. ….
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
(Key: /s/ parts, supplements, sorts, darkness, /others accepted/
this, luminous, insects)/z/ was, times, as, lines, shoppers, etc.)
VII. Writing
Choose one topic (5 pts)
A. Write a twenty-line letter to your local newspaper to complain
about an item widely advertised on TV which you bought but
failed to work properly within two days of purchase. (Use the
appropriate letter format.)
B. Write a short article (20 lines maximum) for publication in a
weekly magazine) in which you argue against the construction
of a big supermarket in your area, because small shops and
businesses would die out.
Use the pictures to elicit the theme of the unit. Then refer the students
to page 162 to get them acquainted with the project outcome.
Language outcomes (p.136)
Let the students skim through the preview so as to get acquainted
with the aims of the section..
Getting started
1. They represent satellites 2. They are similar in the sense that they
orbit the Earth. 3. They are different. One of them is a natural satellite
and the other is an artificial satellite. 4. Elicit as much information as
you can. 5.Yes, Alsat .
Let’s hear it (p.137)
Task 1 (p.137)
C.1 E.2 B.3 A.4 F.5 D.6
Task 2 (p.137)
A. It is 610 kms away from the Earth
B. It is roughly cylindrical in shape.
C. It is 13 m long.
D. It weighs more than 11 tons.
Around the text (pp.137-140)
Grammar Explorer (p.137)
A. They express purpose/function of objects.
B. The verbs which follow them either are in the infinitive or have
the –ing form.
C. We can only use the preposition for.
Task 1 (p.138)
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5.F 6.E
Task 2
Students combine the sentences to get a description of a telescope.
Grammar explorer II (p.138)
Task 1 (p.138)
A. How
It is roughly cylindrical in shape. (before a preposition phrase)
It is 13 m long. (after a noun/ measurement)
Other possibilities: It has a cylindrical shape. Its shape is
A. How much does Sputnik I/Sputnik 2 weigh?
B. How far is the moon from the Earth?
C. How long does it take our planet to make one revolution round
the sun?
D.How high is Mount Everest?
E. How tall was Yuri Garin?
F. How long … How wide - How deep…?
G. How fast does light travel?
N.B. Some of the words in the box can function both as adjectives and
Vocabulary explorer
Task 1 (p.139)
Verbs Nouns Adjectives
Weigh, takes, travel Height, weight, length,
Distance, speed.
Kilometres, metres.
Hours, minutes,
High, tall, heavy,
long, wide, deep
Task 2 (p.139)
1.B 2. A 3.C 4. E 5. D
Task 3 (p.140)
1. believed 2. Belief 3. Proved 4. Proof
Pronunciation and spelling (pp.140-141)
Tasks 1 and 2 (p.140)
Stress usually falls on the second syllable for verbs and on the first
syllable for nouns.
Task 3 (140)
Stress shift: The stress pattern of the verbs and nouns are different. In
verbs, it falls on the second syllable whereas in nouns it falls on the
first syllable. In addition, the letter n is pronounced differently. Check
the pronunciation of the words in the dictionary.
Task 4 (p.140-141)
Blue (corrective stress) - Russian (corrective stress)
Think, pair, share (p.141)
The Moon is an earth satellite orbiting our planet from a
distance of 384,000kms on average, and its orbit is in a west-to-east
direction. Its surface gravity is only 0.16 that of the Earth (one sixth),
and it does not seem to have life on it, since it has neither atmosphere
nor water. Minimum and maximum temperatures on it are wide apart,
with +110˚C on the sunlit side and –170˚C in lunar nights. The
geology of this satellite is rock only, and its age is about 4,6 billion
Plans to reach the Moon on space crafts have been on scientists’
minds since early 20th century. But they became more concrete when
the Russians launched space crafts Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 in 1957,
the second one carrying dog Laika. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin orbited the
Earth, followed by the American astronaut John Glenn in 1962.
Finally, America won the honour of reaching the Moon before Russia,
when Neil Armstrong set foot on it on July 21st 1969.
There are at present plans to build a space base on the Moon, to
set a giant telescope and launch space ships from there to distant
planets, and perhaps to other solar systems.
Language outcomes (p.142)
Let students skim through the preview so as to get acquainted with
the objectives of this section.
1. Pluto is no longer considered a planet. According to experts, it’s
just a member of an asteroid belt beyond Neptune, along with 12
newly discovered mini-worlds.
2. One year / 365 1/4 days
3. Possible answer: Astronomy is a science whereas astrology is a
pseudo-science. The former studies the sun, the moon, stars and
planets to get information about them whereas the latter observes them
with the belief that their positions will tell about man’s destiny.
Taking a closer look (p.142)
Task 1 (p.142)
Start from bottom left :
Sun- 1.Mercury, 2.Venus, 3. Earth (Moon in the black box) , 4.Mars,
5. Jupiter, 6. Saturn , 7. Uranus, 8. Neptune 9. Pluto is no longer
considered a planet.
Task 2 (p.142)
A. meteors- comets- asteriods- satellites/moons- planets – stars.
B. The moon orbits the earth whereas the planets orbits the sun.
C. The heavenly bodies.
D. The heat energy and light energy make life possible on Earth.
E. They are likened to huge mirrors because they reflect the light
from the sun.
Task 3 (p.142)
10,000 –32 X 5/9 27,000,000 –32 X 5/9
Around the text (pp. 145-148)
Grammar explorer I (p.145)
Comparatives of adjectives
Comparatives of superiority:
 They are far more remote from us than any other heavenly
 More distant planets have larger orbits
Comparatives of equality:
Elicit an example
Comparatives of inferiority:
 Moving around some of the planets are smaller balls …
 You might also catch a glimpse of swarms of even smaller
 Their light is less intense than that of the sun.
Comparatives of adverbs
 More distant planets have larger orbits and travel far more
Other examples:
 More distant planets have larger orbits and travel less quickly.
 More distant planets have larger orbits and don’t travel as
quickly as the ones which are close to the sun.
Task 2 (p.145)
There are many possible answers.
E.g. The Earth is more remote/distant from the sun than Mercury.
Mercury is closer/nearer to the sun than the Earth.
The information in the box is taken from the Hutchinson
Grammar explorer II (p.146)
Task 1 (p.146)
‘all travelling in the same direction’ (§1)
Elicit other examples with other link words: E.g. both… and…,
neither… nor, similar to, like …
 Compared with the other stars, the sun is of average size, but it
is a giant in comparison with even the largest planets.
 The planets of the solar system are different from the distant stars.
 Unlike stars, which shine with their own light, the planets give
off no light of their own.
 Jupiter, for example, takes more than eleventh Earth years to
make one complete revolution around the sun while Earth makes
its path around the just in just 365 ¼ days….
Elicit other examples from the students.
Task 2
Comparing/contrasting terms to use within a clause.
1. A and B are the same/alike/similar/comparable.
2. Both A and B are … /Neither A nor B is …
3. A and B are different/unlike/ disimilar.
4. A is the same as/ similar to/ like /resembles B.
5. A is as _____ as B.
6. A differs/ is different from B.
Link words to use between clauses, sentences and paragraphs
Category Coordinators Subordinators Transition words
Similarity And Likewise, similarly,
also, too
Difference But, yet While, whereas, However, in
contrast, conversely
on the other hand,
contrary to …
Grammar explorer III (p.146)
A. The sentences express supposition/hypothesis.
B. Past simple + would+verb The author is just
supposing/imagining things.
Grammar explorer IV (p.146)
A. The verb travel.
B. Dynamic/action verbs
C. Know/are/see
D. Stative verbs
E. See Grammar Reference p.223.
Task (p.147)
A. Well, because now I understand astronomy is important.
A: Sorry I don’t understand what you mean.
A: Oh , I see that you have a telescope in your attic.
B. Actually, I didn’t buy it. You know, it used to belong to my
grandfather. I still remember the day when he gave it to me.
Vocabulary explorer (p.147)
Task 1 (p.147)
A. tiny B. recognize C. streaming D. catch a glimpse E. radiating
F. twinkling G. give off H. huge I. speeding
Task 2 (p.148)
Astrologist - astronomer - astrophysicist -observers - scientistpsychologist
Pronunciation and spelling (p.148)
Task 1 (p.148)
First rule: E.g. Cats, seeds, cameras …
Second rule: Potatoes, buses, boxes, matches, bushes …
Third rule: datum- data, stimulus- stimuli …
Fourth rule: wife- wives, sheaf-sheaves
Fifth rule: belief- beliefs, proof-proofs …
Task 2 (p.148)
Theories - categories - theses men - women – beliefs – men- women
–facts- origins – hypotheses.
// // /


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م14 رد: 3rd year lessons UNIT 06 PART 07

مُساهمة من طرف wael0101 الخميس 11 يونيو - 16:50:57

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احترام القوانين : 100 %
عدد المساهمات : 388
تاريخ الميلاد : 03/11/1986
العمر : 37
الموقع : أدرار

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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