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3rd year lessons UNIT 01 PART 01

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

م14 3rd year lessons UNIT 01 PART 01

مُساهمة من طرف زائر الجمعة 27 مارس - 13:06:30

Use the pictures as an entry to the theme of the unit.
E.g. What do the pictures represent/show?
Where are these monuments located? etc.
Get the students acquainted with the project outcome by referring
them to page 42 so as to set them thinking about it.
Language outcomes (p.15)
Go through the language outcomes with your students so they will
have a clear understanding of what the learning objectives of the
section are.
Getting started (p.15)
1. The civilizations represented on the map are (from left to right) :
Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian and
Indus Valley civilization.
You may try to elicit the names of the civilizations that later
flourished in the same areas.
2. The right answer is the Sumerian Civilization. There is no need to
confirm or infirm the hypotheses made by the students at this stage
of the lesson since the objective of the question is to raise interest
and to make hypotheses. Students will check their answers by
listening to the script in the Let’s hear it rubric.
3. Just as for the first question, the aim here is not to test the students
but to get them involved in the lesson.
4. The students will give their own definitions. The important point
here is to make them think about the theme of the unit. Have some
students jot down the words they associate with civilization (E .g.
sculpture, literature, astronomy…) on the board and justify their
Let’s hear it (p.16)
Task 1 (p.16)
Ancient Greek civilization: 4,000 years ago - Ancient Egyptian
civilization: 5,000 years ago - Sumerian civilization: 5,500 years ago
-Indus Valley civilization: 4,500 years ago - Chinese Civilization:
4,200 years ago
Task 2 (16)
Sumerian civilization 1 (5,500 ago) - Ancient Egyptian civilization 2
(5,000 years ago) - Indus Valley civilization 3 (4,500 years ago)-
Chinese civilization 4 (4,200 years ago) Ancient Greek civilization 5
(4,000 years ago)
Task 3 (p.16)
A. The Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization in the
world. T
B. Most of the ancient civilizations rose along rivers. T
C. Agriculture did not form the basis of ancient civilizations. F
D. Ancient civilizations flourished during periods of peace. T
E. Most ancient civilizations fell into ruins because of war. T
F. Ancient Egyptians invented agriculture. F
Task 4 (p.16)
Have the students compare their answers. Then engage them in a
discussion particularly with reference to answers to question D and E.
These are important issues and should develop consciousness about
the importance of peace for development, refinement in the arts and so on.
Task 5 (p.17)
You: How many civilizations has the world known so far ?
Your partner : Well, according to some historians the world has
known 26 or 27 civilizations so far.
You : Which one is the oldest/earliest civilization ?
Your partner : The oldest/earliest civilization is the Sumerian
You : How long ago did it start/begin/flourish/rise ?
Your partner : It started in Mesopotamia some 4000 years ago.
You : What about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization ? When and
where did it start ?
Your partner : Well, Ancient Egyptian Civilization started some
5,000 years ago along the Nile Valley.
You : What was the marjor cause of the collapse of these
civilizations ?
Your partner: According to most historians, the major cause was
war. Most of the ancient civilizations fell into ruins as a result of
external invasions.
Around the text (pp.17-19)
Grammar Explorer 1 (p.17)
For me (zero article) civilization is synonymous with (zero article)
refinement, (zero article) refinement in (zero article) architecture, in
(zero article) law, and in (zero article) life styles. (The) culture and
(the) literature of (a) society also contribute to (the) flourishing of its
Encourage students to explain the use of the three types of articles in
English. Place emphasis on the zero article before abstract nouns.
Refer students to the Grammar Reference on pp.211-212) only once
they have tried to do the task. If necessary, devise a task of your own
to consolidate the students’ knowledge of articles.
Grammar Explorer II (pp.17-18)
A. Had to, were able to, and used to express in this order:
obligation/necessity in the past, ability in the past, habit in the
past (or contrast between present and past realities).
B. The negative of had to, were able to, and used to are in this order:
didn’t have to (absence of obligation), were unable to, and didn’t
use to.
Make sure the students use these negative in sentences for
Refer students to SE2 Grammar Reference, pp.197-198.
Task (p.18)
used to live - used to hunt – used to farm – had to migrate – were
able to survive.
Vocabulary explorer (pp.18-19)
Task 1
A. rise – originate- start- begin- emerge
B. mature- develop- evolve – expand- spread - flourish –bloom
C. decline- collapse-fall to decay- into ruins- vanish- disappear
Each of the three categories (A-C) contain verbs which are more or
less simmilar in meaning. So it doesn’t really matter which comes first
in its category.
Task 2 (p.18)
1= rise(= emerge) 2= mature 3= disappear (=vanish, fall into ruins,
fall to decay) 4= originated, began, started, emerged) 5= spread (=
expanded) 6= developed (=evolved) 7= evolved 8= flourished
9= declined 10= collapsed (fell into ruins, fell to decay)
Make sure the students realize the importance of appropriacy in the
choice of the words. Synonyms should be used to avoid repetition.
Task 3 (p.19)
Go through the tips to make the students aware of what dependent
prepositons are before setting them to task.
1. Ancient Egypt consisted mainly of the Nile Delta. 2. It
contributed greatly to the development of geometry. 3. If its people
were interested in geometry, it was basically for practical purposes. 4
Ancient Egypt depended a lot on the Nile River. 5. Its waters were
used for drinking and irrigation.6. Many geometric laws were derived
from their attempt to control the waters of the Nile.7. The Ancient
Egyptians became so good at geometry that Greek scientists like
Thales went to study geometry in Egypt.
The sentences should be rearranged in the form of a paragraph. Refer
the students to the Grammar Reference pp.212-215 to check some of
their answers to task 3 above.
Pronunciation and spelling (p.20)
A. When was (weak form) Christopher Columbus born ?
B. It was (weak form) in 1450.
A. Was (weak form) he a Spaniard ?
B. No, he wasn’t (strong form). He was (weak form) Italian (emphasis
on Italian).
A. Were (weak form) there many good Italian navigators and
explorers in Columbus’s time ?
B. Yes, there were (strong form) quite many. Amerigo Vespucci was
(weak form) one of them. America was (weak form) named after
A. Does that mean that Italian explorers were (weak form) the only
ones who explored North America ?
B. No, they weren’t (strong form) the only ones. There were (weak
form) also Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Brititish
Note: The weak form is used when the auxiliary verb is at the
beginning or in the middle of a sentence, and when it is not stressed.
The strong form is used when the auxiliary verb is at the end of
sentence, or stressed.
Think, pair, share (p.20)
Make sure the students contrast the past (used to/had to/were able to)
with the present (verbs in the present simple). Provide them with some
link words (unfortunately, however, on the one hand, on the other
hand). Insist on the need for a concluding sentence.
A century ago, people were able to live in better conditions than
their parents thanks to the progress made in science and technology.
But in practice, the outcome of this progress was slow to materialise.
For instance, most people still used to travel long distances on foot or
by stage coach. And as mechanisation was not introduced significantly
in daily activities, household chores still had to be done manually, and
were therefore time consuming.
On the other hand, community life was still an asset for social
cohesion, since people had more opportunities to meet and interact. So
they were able to chat with neighbours at shops or in clubs and have a
cup of coffee with friends or relatives and tell stories and jokes.
Likewise, family visits were frequent and kept the folklore alive, with
the grandparents who used to tell traditional tales or sing lullabies or
folk songs to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, with the development
of audiovisual means such as the cinema, radio, television and then
personal appliances like the computer, CD-roms and DVDs, the
chances of socialisation are dwindling and the lack of interaction
between people may increase stress, loneliness and anxiety.
Could we then complain that we are missing out on some
ingredients in life which used to make our great grandparents happier?
This is probably so, since closer contacts among neighbours, friends
and families had to be beneficial for communal harmony. However,
scientific progress in all fields, particularly in medicine, modes of
transportation and communication, and agribusiness can only show
that our lives are today quite fulfilling and, if anything, more
comfortable than a century ago.
Language outcomes (p.21)
Go through the language outcomes preview with your students to have
them acquainted with the objectives of this section.
Getting started (p.21)
1. Have the students identify the location of Algerian World Heritage
sites, preferably on a map.
The Casbah of Algiers : (City of Algiers) (1992) ; The Banu
Hammads’ Qalaa: on the western side of Djebel Maadid,
overlooking the Hodna plains, some 100 km away from Bejaia
(1980) : Timgad: (Colonia, Marciana Trajana, Thamugadi)
(December 17, 1982) situated 110 km to the south of Cirta (today’s
Constantine), a few kilometres south-east of today’s Batna, 27 km to
the west of Tazoult, at the foot of the Aures mountain range; The
Mzab Valley : (December 17, 1982) The Mzab Valley consists of five
small fortified towns (Ksour) : El Ateuf, Bou Noura, Beni Isguen,
Melika and Ghardaia. Djemila: (formerly known as Cuicul)
December 17, 1982, 50 km away from Setif ; Tipaza : (December 17,
1982) Tassili N’ajjer : 1982, (1986) in the Sahara, eastern part of the
Ahaggar (altitude between 1000 and 2500 m); The Algerian
government declared the Meddak region situated on the heights of the
city of Djanet a national park in 1972.
Questions 2 and 3 can admit of more than one answer.
This definition of the concept of World Heritage Site can be helpful
for you :
A World Heritage site is a place or structure included on an
official list produced by the World Heritage Committee of the
United Nations. Places are chosen for the list because they are
considered to be of outsanding universal value, often for
historical reasons, and are therefore preserved.
The students who have followed the new programme have already
come across the concept in the MS3 book.
3. The importance is in the justification of the answer provided by the
students and in making the students aware of the cultural heritage of
their country and of its value.
Taking a closer look (p.21)
Interact orally with the students using the title and the illustration to
the text on pages 22-23.
E.g. What does the picture represent? What does the text deal with?
Where is it taken from ? To whom is it addressed?
Have them skim through the text to check some of the answers they
have providing during the interaction. Then move on to the task
1. False 2.True 3.True 4.True 5.False
Have the students refer to the text to justify their answers.
Around the text (pp.23-27)
Grammar Explorer I (pp.23-24)
A. The comparatives of superiority: It has more rock drawings and
engravings than any other prehistoric Saharan sites.
The comparatives of equality: No country in North Africa has as
much access to the Mediterranean sea and the Sahara as Algeria.
 These rock paintings, engravings and remains have yielded as
much information as we need in order for us to have a clear picture
of life used to be like in the Sahara of Prehistoric times.
 The Tassili-n’Ajjar seems to have had as few exchanges with
the Phoenician and Roman civilizations as the other Saharan sites
of our country.
The comparatives of inferiority
 Algiers had less influence on international commerce than other
Algerian maritime cities because it had fewer natural harbours
(than the other maritime cities).
Algeria has less World Heritage Sites than some other countries.
B. The superlatives of superiority
 Of all the sites of Southern Algeria, the Tassili n’Ajjer has the
most prestige.
 It contains the most remains.
The superlatives


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م14 رد: 3rd year lessons UNIT 01 PART 01

مُساهمة من طرف wael0101 الخميس 11 يونيو - 16:45:15

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احترام القوانين : 100 %
عدد المساهمات : 388
تاريخ الميلاد : 03/11/1986
العمر : 37
الموقع : أدرار

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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